Rivard’s 360 Music Video A Viral Sensation


Amy Rivard’s new 360 music video of her song When We Come Together proved to be the perfect mesh of new-age technology with old-school values.

Already with more than 15,000 views on YouTube, the first scene of the video encapsulated this to perfection. Rivard can be seen riding a retro one-speed bicycle while being filmed from high above in 360 from a drone.

Pedaling along the path, a smiling Rivard shares her message of all-emcompassing love for each other and the possibillities it can create while happily doling out fresh roses to the many people she meets.

“I don’t want to fight with you. Let’s walk hand in hand,” Rivard sings. “We’ve made mistakes. We’ve been foolish and wrong.

“When we come together, we can make something beautiful.”

They aren’t just words to her. They are a way of life that she grew up immersed in living on the Windsor-Detroit border, where the video was filmed along the route through Windsor’s thriving and vital waterfront park system.

It’s a unique experience that molded her as she became an adult. Residents interact with people on the opposite side of that border. They shop there, they entertain there. They are like extended family members.

“People from Windsor spend a lot of time in Detroit, and people from Detroit spend a lot of time in Windsor,” Rivard said. “We have many shared experiences. We’ve shared an international fireworks display for 60 years.”

From the freighters traversing the river, to the locals casting their lines into the Detroit River in search of fresh fish, activity is spawned on both sides of this international border, an interaction the dispells the international flavour that suggests Canada-U.S. relations are at a long-time low.

Much like the song, and as is the case with any project of this magnitude, many people came together to help mastermind Chris Kiritsis and the Life In 360 crew make this dream a reality. Jamie Chenard and Drone Life Media (DLM) expertly filmed the drone footage, while Infinty Cycle generously provided the antique bike. The flowers that brightened everyone’s day were provided by I&F Design.

Assumption high school music teacher Brian Zanier and many of his students made the trek on foot in the early hours of the morning and stood in as extras during the filming, as did a number of folks who just happened to in the neighbourhood and were willing to seek out their 15 minutes of celluloid fame. And if you watch closely, you’ll also spot Rivard’s alter ego Candy Canadiana popping in for a few candid Candy cameos.

If you’re a musician or a band looking to make a unique musical statment, Life In 360 Media can create a 360 music video to your specifications. Just contact us at lifein360media@gmail.com.

To find out more about Amy and her songs, and also how to view her new music video, join Amy’s mailing list at www.AmyRivard.com, and subscribe to her YouTube channel, http://youtube.com/rivardamy.


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